Monday, May 25, 2020

How to Become a School Principal

Not everyone is meant to become a school principal. Some educators make the transition well while others figure out that it is more difficult than one might think. A school principal’s day can be long and stressful. You have to be organized, solve problems, manage people well, and be able to separate your personal life from your professional life. If you cannot do those four things, you will not last long as a principal. It takes a remarkable person to deal with all the negatives that you are forced to handle as a school principal. You listen to constant complaints from parents, teachers, and students. You have to deal with all kinds of discipline issues. You attend virtually every extra-curricular activity. If you have an ineffective teacher in your building, then it is your job to help them improve or get rid of them. If your test scores are low, it is ultimately a reflection of you. So why would someone want to become a principal? For those that are equipped to handle the day to day stresses, the challenge of running and maintaining a school can be rewarding. There is also an upgrade in pay which is a bonus. The most rewarding aspect is that you have a greater impact on the school as a whole. You are the school leader. As the leader, your daily decisions impact a larger number of students and teachers than you impacted as a classroom teacher. A principal who understands this reaps their rewards through daily growth and improvements from their students and teachers. For those who decide that they want to become a principal, the following steps must be taken to reach that goal: Earn a Bachelor’s Degree – You must earn a four-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited university. In some cases, it does not have to be an education degree as most states have an alternative certification program.Obtain a Teaching License/Certification – Once you have earned a bachelor’s degree in education then, most states require you to get licensed/certified. This is typically done by taking and passing a test or series of tests in your area of specialization. If you do not have a degree in education, then check your states’ alternative certification requirements to obtain your teaching license/certification.Gain Experience as a Classroom Teacher – Most states require you to teach a certain number of years before you are able to become a school principal. This is extremely important because most people need classroom experience to have an understanding of what goes on in a school on a day to day basis. Gaining this experience i s essential to becoming an effective principal. In addition, it will be easier for teachers to relate to you and understand where you are coming from if you have classroom experience because they know you have been one of them.Gain Leadership Experience – Throughout your time as a classroom teacher, look for opportunities to sit on and/or chair committees. Visit with your building principal and let them know that you are interested in becoming a principal. Chances are they will give you some increased role to help prepare you for being in that role or at the very least you can pick their brain concerning principal best practices. Every bit of experience and knowledge will help when you land your first principal’s job.Earn a Master’s Degree – Although most principals will earn a Master’s degree in an area such as educational leadership, there are states that allow you to become a principal with a combination of any master’s degree, the requir ed teaching experience, along with passing the license/certification process. Most people will continue to teach full time while taking master’s courses part time until they earn their degree. Many school administration masters’ programs now cater to teacher’s offering one night a week courses. The summer can be used to take additional classes to expedite the process.   The final semester typically involves an internship with hands-on training that will give you a snapshot of what a principals job actually entails.Obtain a School Administrator License/Certification – This step is remarkably similar to the process for getting your teacher license/certification. You must pass a test or series of tests related to the specific area you want to be a principal in whether that be an elementary, a middle level, or a high school principal.Interview for a Principal’s Job – Once you have earned your license/certification, then it is time to start loo king for a job. Do not be discouraged if you do not land one as quickly as you thought. Principal’s jobs are intensely competitive and can be difficult to land. Go into every interview confident and prepared. As you interview, remember that as they are interviewing you, you are interviewing them. Do not settle for a job. You do not want a job at a school which you do not genuinely want with all the stress a principal’s job can bring.   While searching for a principals job, gain valuable administrator experience by volunteering to help out your building principal.   More than likely they will be willing to allow you to continue on in an internship type of role. This type of experience will boost your resume and give you terrific on the job training.Land a Principal’s Job – Once you get an offer and have accepted it, the real fun begins. Come in with a plan but remember that no matter how well you feel you have been prepared, there will be surprises. Th ere are new challenges and issues that arise each and every day. Never get complacent. Continue to search for ways to grow, do your job better, and make improvements to your building.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Gender And Academic Performance Among College Students

Ethnic Identification in Relation to Gender and Academic Performance among College Students Only a certain number of people graduate from high school or obtain a GED. Even fewer of them go on to pursue a post-secondary education and obtain a degree. It is obvious that many factors contribute to this lowered rate of degree obtainment such as tuition cost, being overwhelmed by the advanced curriculum, and the loss motivation; however, another factor that may contribute to this issue is simply the way one feels about him/herself. Although the most crucial time for self/identity development is probably during adolescence, it is still possible for people’s sense of identity to change. It may be possible that people’s ethnic identity, specifically, can change as they become older and gain more life experiences. Identity is defined as a â€Å"tool† that individuals and groups use to classify and present themselves to others and the world (Owens, 2003). Ethnicity is one aspect of identity that has been studied in relation to academic performance by several different researchers. For instance, Zarate, Bhimji, and Reese (2005) examined how Latino/a high school youth, residing mostly in Southern California, chose ethnic labels to describe themselves. In this study, graduate Latino/a students from UCLA conducted interviews in the language that each participant chose: Spanish, English, or both. During these interviews, respondents were given a sheet of paper that included various ethnicShow MoreRelatedFactors Affecting Academic Performance...1690 Words   |  7 PagesFACTORS AFFECTING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF FIRST YEAR COLLEGE STUDENTS OF THE DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF BANGUED FIRST SEMESTER 2010-2011 Mary B. Gallardo,MST-Math, Alfreinell S. Castillo, BSC, Jessie T. Sibayan, AB, Marianito T. Taeza, AB, and G. Regil D.Valera, BSCE Registrar’s Office, Divine Word College of Bangued June 1, 2011. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marcus Brutus as Tragic Hero in Shakespeares Julius...

Marcus Brutus as Tragic Hero in Shakespeares Julius Caesar In many stories there is a tragic hero. The hero finds out about himself and the people around him in the story. In Shakespeares play, Julius Caesar, Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero. The play Julius Caesar is about politics and betrayal in ancient Rome. Brutus is part of the senate, which is below Caesar, who is soon to be crowned. The senate wants to overthrow Caesar to save Rome. To do this the senate has to get Brutus on their side and help them kill Caesar. Shakespeare portrays Marcus Brutus as a honorable naive about the character of men. Marcus Brutus fits Aristotles definition of a tragic hero in a tragedy, in which is he is not good nor evil, is a†¦show more content†¦After the death of Caesar, Brutus feels guilty, and alone, which shows he is human. At this, Brutus lets us know that he has a conscience. So alone that he wants to kill himself. When Brutus stabs Caesar along with ten other men, Brutus is a little cruel. While eulogizing Caesar after his death, he was not as patient and sympathetic towards Caesar and the people as Antonys speech. In his speech, Brutus tries to defend him and the other men who had also stabbed Caesar, showing that he is afraid. Marcus Brutus also fits the definition of a tragic hero by being of noble status. To be of noble status, Brutus had to be born into a noble family, which he was. lt;blockquotegt;My ancestors did from the streets of Rome the Traquin drive when he was called a king Speak, strike, redress! Am I entreated To speak and strike? O Rome, I make thee promise, If the redress will follow, thou receivest Thy full petition at the hand of Brutus?(II. i.,51) lt;/blockquotegt; Brutus is Caesars right-hand man, along with Antony. Brutus being a senator makes him noble, especially when nobility is in his family. When Brutus stabs Caesar, Caesar is shocked that Brutus was in on the assassination. Caesar being shocked proves that Brutus was not the sort of man that would stab Caesar if it had not had been for the manipulating Cassius. Brutus being nobleShow MoreRelated Marcus Brutus as a Tragic Hero in Shakespeares Julius Caesar1441 Words   |  6 PagesMarcus Brutus as a Tragic Hero in Shakespeares Julius Caesar In the play Julius Caesar, the tragedy of the play was directed mainly at one specific character, Marcus Brutus. Brutus was the tragic hero of the play, because of his idealistic and pragmatic qualities. The mindset that Brutus possessed only allowed him to see the world and its people from one point of view. This point of view allowed him to make judgments that assumed only the best of people. This tragic weakness resulted in manyRead MoreMarcus Brutus as the Tragic Hero in Shakespeares Julius Caesar1267 Words   |  6 PagesBrutus as the Tragic Hero in Shakespeares Julius Caesar Because of Shakespeares popularity among scholars and literary critics, his plays have been studied time after time. In the four hundred or so years since they were written, Shakespeares plays and other literary masterpieces have been categorized. Many of them, including Shakespeares portrayal of Julius Caesars murder and the resulting events for Rome and for Caesars conspirators, have been put into the tragedies category. AccordingRead MoreMarcus Brutus: Shakespeares Tragic Hero in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar1238 Words   |  5 Pagesillustrates Marcus Brutus as a tragic hero in the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Shakespeare defines tragic hero as a flawed character who has good fortune, and then loses all he has prized, leading to his misfortune, but a tragic hero must have that moment of enlightenment, that moment where a character can see that he caused his own downfall and receives the blame for his own tragedy. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is based on an historical eve nt- the assassination of Julius Caesar; however,Read MoreDoes Brutus â€Å"Qualify† as a Tragic Hero?873 Words   |  4 PagesDoes Brutus â€Å"qualify† as a tragic hero? Marcus Brutus does qualify as the tragic hero in Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. A tragic hero is a good or even great man and thus wins our sympathy causing catharsis. A tragic hero displays hamartia— the hero makes a mistake causing the downfall of his fortune. A tragic hero usually brings suffering and death to other characters, even a whole country. Finally, a tragic hero goes into a situation in which there is no gettingRead MoreMarcus Brutus as a Tragic Hero Essay1002 Words   |  5 Pages A tragic hero in Shakespearean literature is understood as a noble and heroic character who makes a series of bad decisions based on his bad judgment that leads to his downfall and eventually death. In William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, the tragic hero is Marcus Brutus, a powerful Roman senator who joins a conspiracy to assassinate the Roman ruler, Julius Caesar. Marcus Brutus is a tragic hero because of his noble reputation, his mora l personality, the cathartic experience that the audienceRead More Brutus is the Tragic Hero of Julius Caesar Essay858 Words   |  4 PagesBrutus is the Tragic Hero of Julius Caesar      Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeares play Julius Caesar is a tragic play, where the renowned Julius Caesar is on the brink of achieving total control and power by becoming emperor of the Roman Empire. Ironically enough, when he thinks he is one step away from pulling it off, his friends (most from the senate) decide to overthrow him, with Caesars most trusted friend, Marcus Brutus, acting as leader of the conspirators. Though the fall of Caesar from the mostRead MoreA Tragic Hero As Used By Shakespeare. In, â€Å"The Tragedy1657 Words   |  7 PagesA Tragic Hero as Used by Shakespeare In, â€Å"The Tragedy of Julius Caesar,† by William Shakespeare, you can see Shakespeare’s use of a tragic hero. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a play about how Marcus Brutus and Cassius contemplate the murder of the great Julius Caesar. The play discusses the planning of the murder, and the events that follow the catastrophe. Brutus is one of the conspirators in the murdering of Caesar and is also one of his beloved friends. Shakespeare incorporates traditionalRead MoreThe Tragic Hero Of Marcus Junius Brutus Minor Essay1418 Words   |  6 Pagesblock October 27, 2015 Tragic hero Marcus Junius Brutus Minor was the son of Marcus Junius Brutus Maior and Servilia Caepionis. His father was killed by Pompey the Great in dubious circumstances after he had taken part in the rebellion of Lepidus; his mother was the half-sister of Cato the Younger, and later Julius Caesar s mistress. Some sources refer to the possibility of Caesar being his real father,despite Caesar s being only 15 years old when Brutus was born. Brutus uncle, Quintus ServiliusRead MoreExamples Of Tragic Hero In Julius Caesar905 Words   |  4 Pagesbecome a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall.† By Shakespearean definition, a tragic hero is someone of high position such as a nobleman, who has hamartia, a tragic flaw that leads to his downfall, and even his demise. This is strongly illustrated in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, where Marcus Brutus’ desire to remain noble and honourable leads him to naivety and self destruction. The plot of the play revolves around r emoving power from Caesar, causing the inability of Marcus BrutusRead MoreWhy Is Julius Caesar A Tragic Hero1619 Words   |  7 Pages In Shakespeares theatrical-dramas there is a consistent trend of there being a tragic hero of some sort. In Shakespeares Julius Caesar the tragic hero just so happens to be Marcus Brutus, this is quite obvious because he fits some of the set standards that makes up a tragic hero in any of Shakespeares stories. Brutus is the tragic hero in Julius Caesar, because he posses a great trait of good, then it becomes his downfall in the end. He makes many errors in judgement which leads

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pharmacy Traditional or Folk Medicine

Question: Discus about the Pharmacy for Traditional or Folk Medicine. Answer: Introduction The traditional or folk medicine or old remedies are considered to be most functional and successful form of medicine. Traditional medicines are collaboration of knowledge system, skills, scientific practices and experiences constructed over generations by various societies and civilisations (Marriott, 2010). With the emergence of modern medicine, these old remedies lost their importance a few years ago. But, now again the old remedies are gaining importance in modern pharmacology as a good and effective source of treatment with almost no side-effect (Pizzorno Murray, 2012). Xu Liu (2013) studied that as per World Health Organization (WHO), the traditional medicine is collaboration of knowledge, practices, skills working on the basis of theories, beliefs, and cultures from indigenous to modern practices for the diagnosis, prevention and management of different illnesses. This study demonstrates the importance of such old remedies or traditional medicine formulation provided by one Greek physician, philosopher, and surgeon known as Claudius Galen or Aelius Galenus. The products or medicines provided by Galenus are known as Galenicals in his honour (Fetrow et al. 2011). This study will involve a deep analysis on Galenical formulations and three specific Galenical ingredients to prove that old remedies work best even as the pharmaceutical product. These Galenical products are a part of old remedies that are effective enough to cure diseases that remain an issue for modern medications (Marriott, 2010). Galenical formulations and ingredients The medicines formed or prepared as per the formulae provided by Galen are known as galenical formulations or Galenical preparations. These galenical preparations are multiple ingredients that are basically the herbal or vegetable matter extracted from crude organic matters with the use of different solvents. These ingredients are used for making different pharmaceutical drugs (Fetrow et al. 2011). These galenical ingredients are basically the herbs and vegetable extracts that are extracted using a specific method or process. The galenical formulations may contain one or multiple ingredients are per specific official formula to form a specific remedy (Pizzorno Murray, 2012). Below described are three galenical ingredients used in different glanical formulations or drugs as a part of the remedy. The manufacturing process, stability and role of these ingredients are described in the essay to understand the importance of old remedies as the effective medicine. Infusion Gentian One of the most popular Glanical ingredients is Gentian compound infusion produced from gentian plant belonging to gentianceae family. Galen applies the Galenical infusion technique to produce Compound Gentian infusion, as per the official formulation provided. Infusions These are basically the crude soft drugs persisting light structure without any dense tissue organisation and contains components that are water-soluble. These infusions can be cut small, powder, freshly broken, powder or thin slice to ensure its compatibility with menstruum. The menstruum used for infusion is cold or boiling water. The infusions are basically of two types that are fresh and concentrated infusions (Marriott, 2010). Fresh infusions These are infusion freshly prepared in the aqueous form of active constituents. The dried form of the crude drug is added to calculated amount of menstruum for definite soak time. Further, the liquid is removed and left out is marc. This liquid contains dissolved fresh infusion. Concentrated infusion Concentrated infusion is prepared by maceration process with alcohol used either as menstruum or preservative. The concentrated compound infusion of gentian is one such Galenical ingredient used in different Galenical formulations as an AIP to form remedy (Fetrow et al. 2011). Manufacture Materials Concentrated Compound gentian Infusion Gentian small cutting 125 grams Dried lemon peel 125 grams Dried orange peel (bitter) 125 grams Alcohol 1200ml Method Gentian, dried orange and lemon is placed in macerate apparatus with 1000ml ethanol for 48 hours. After period of incubation, the liquid is strained and the marc is pressed to get all the dissolved form of required ingredient Further, 200 ml of ethanol is added to the marc and macerated for another 24 hours Add this liquid to the first liquid solution and allow stand for 14 days. Filter the solution to get pure ingredient (Marriott, 2010). Stability in drug This gentian compound infusion (concentrated) is usually stable under normal conditions for utilisation in drug form. It is required to avoid the use of nitric acid, sulphuric acid and oxidising agents when using gentian compound infusion because this ingredient shows harsh reactions with these chemicals. The thermal burning or decomposition is harmful that will release carbon oxides creating a hazardous environment. The stable dosage of gentian infusion is 15 to 30 ml in drug and recommended dosage is 1 to 4 grams/day (Pizzorno Murray, 2012). Role in therapy Gentian infusion is a bitter tasting ingredient generally used in stomach therapy to stimulate gastric secretions Gentian infusion provides strength to the digestive system and helpful in improving appetite Tonic and stomachic activity is performed by this ingredient (Park et al. 2012) Gentian infusion helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal complications like vomiting, heartburn, diarrhoea, stomach ache etc. Gentian infusion is ingredient of drugs used to cure jaundice, inflammation, arthritic and sore throat It is also useful in controlling fever, blood pressure and hysteria Gentian infusion is also used as the home remedy to cure wounds, muscle spasms, parasitic worms, germ killer and as a menstrual initiator. Gentian infusion is used in combination with verbena, elderflower, sorrel, and cowslip flower to cure sinus infections. Gentian infusion is used as multiple ingredients to cure malaria (Pizzorno Murray, 2012). Decoction Cinchona bark The cinchona bark decoction is a popularly known Galenical ingredient that is formed by the process of decoction working as a useful ingredient in different remedial drugs. Decoctions The decoctions are freshly prepared Galenical ingredients formed by boiling crude drug base with water. Decoctions are susceptible to decomposition therefore only the freshly prepared form is used in drug formation. These are drugs of woody and hard nature but are water-soluble ingredients. Cinchona bark or wood is prepared using decoction technique as an active form of Galenical ingredient that basically contains quinine. The quinine is very important AIP used in the cure of various diseases like malaria, leg syndrome etc. (Pizzorno Murray, 2012). The cinchona bark decoctions are prepared following the below-described process. Manufacture In an enamelled earthenware or iron vessel, the 5 sliced plant woods or barks are boiled with 100 to 120 parts of water for the time of 15 minutes under boiling condition. For getting a concentrated form of decoction the liquid allowed to boil for more time as per requirement. The boiled material is allowed to cool at normal room temperature Further, the liquid is strained and marc is pressed to obtain complete liquid extract The decoction liquid is filtered using flannel or muslin cloth and further, water is added to get required volume of decoction (Chakrabarti, 2010). Stability in drug The cinchona barks decoctions are having a clear appearance with prone to evaporation. There are usually less reactive and are stored in cool and dry places away from sunlight. As quinine persist toxic effect, therefore, recommended the dosage of cinchona bark decoction is used as per drug formulation (Fetrow et al. 2011). Role in therapy Cinchona bark decoction is used to cure fever, indigestion It is useful as important ingredient in various gastrointestinal disorders therapies Cinchona bark decoction is also functional to cure general fatigue Cinchona bark decoction is used for developing drugs working as an appetite stimulant and general fatigue cure (Fetrow et al. 2011). The use of cinchona bark decoction for treating fever led to its use in malaria drug formulation providing antipyretic and antimicrobial activity. Xu Liu (2013) indicated that Plasmodium falciparum causing malaria has developed resistance to various malarial drugs except cinchona. Therefore, this is an effective API used to cure malaria. Cinchona bark decoction is useful to cure blood and cardiac disorders anaemia, irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia and varicose veins. It is also used as a remedy for arrhythmia or heart palpitations since 17th century known as the opium of the heart (Golan, Tashjian Armstrong, 2011). Cinchona is workable for curing digestive disorders like anorexia, gallbladder, flatulence, anorexia etc. (Fetrow et al. 2011). Extraction belladonna extract The belladonna extract is considered to be a very important Galenical ingredient having medical values despite its poisonous nature because this extract contains active ingredient atropine (Pizzorno Murray, 2012). Xu Liu (2013) indicated that belladonna extracts obtained from plant Atropa belladonna persist poisonous nature where a very small quantity of this plant can kill human being. Therefore, belladonna extracts that specifically contains atropine only are produced for its medical functionality as a part of treatments. Thus, active ingredient separated from the plant by Galenical formulation work as a Galenical ingredient, used for medical purposes is known as belladonna extract (Godara et al. 2014). Extracts The extracts are galenical ingredient prepared by different methods like maceration, percolation, decoction or maceration to form extracts having medicinal active portions of plants. Belladonna extracts are one such example of Galenical ingredient that contains atropine separated from its plant (Marriott, 2010). Manufacture Take dried leaves in a container and add required amount of water to cover the leaves The active ingredient is water-soluble and will get solubilized in water. Filter the water out of marc, which is named as extract Press the marc to get leftover extract (Golan, Tashjian Armstrong, 2011). Stability in drug Belladonna extracts persist drying effect that leads to its unstable condition when used as a drug. Therefore, belladonna should not be combined with other drying drugs like atropine, scopolamine etc. because this can lead to dry skin, fast heartbeat, low blood pressure etc. (Park et al. 2012). The quantity of belladonna in drug varies as per requirement conditions, health and age of the patient. According to Xu Liu (2013), there is no proper information regarding the stable dosage range of belladonna. Therefore, its use should be avoided minimising the chances of side effects. Role in therapy The belladonna extract shows medical activity despite the poisonous nature of its plant. This extract is used as an ingredient to cure muscle spasms, heart rate improvement, stomach acid reduction, and dilation of eye pupils. This extract is useful to cure bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, spastic colon, motion sickness and Parkinsons disease. Belladonna extract minimises night-time urination problem (Pizzorno Murray, 2012). Conclusion Galenical ingredients are very useful ingredients working as good source of APIs in the traditional medicine to develop drugs effective for multiple activities (Park et al. 2012). However, it is not necessary that natural medications are always beneficial, sometimes they can cause harm to the body. But surely natural medicines are a great source of drugs to cure diseases that are not curable by modern medication methods. From the above study performed taking the example of Galenical ingredients to justify the statement that old remedies work best it is clear that traditional medicine still remains a heritage of potent and quality pharmaceuticals that can provide a solution for the questions of modern medicine. Galenical ingredients have largely replaced the use of synthetic medication products due to their quality and potency providing a multidimensional cure for different diseases using one specific ingredient. Therefore, it can be stated that old remedies work best still in the era of modern medicine (Marriott, 2010). References Books Fetrow, C. W., Avila, J. R., Fetrow, C. W., Fetrow, Avila. 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